Noodling Numbers – Part 3

Pastor Ken completes his 3 part series on the book of Numbers. Today, Numbers Chapter 36 is his backdrop.  The Scripture is taken from Numbers 36:9-15, 22-29, 33-34.

Numbers Part 3

Noodling Numbers – Part 2

This week Pastor Ken continues looking into the book of Numbers.  His inspiration today is taken from Numbers 13 and Numbers 14. (Numbers 13:1-3, 17-31; Numbers 14:1-11, 20-23, 33-35)

Numbers Part 2

Noodling Numbers – Part 1

Pastor Ken begins a 3 part series entitled “Noodling Numbers”.  In this series for the summer, Ken will delve into the 4th book of the Bible – Numbers.  This week he looks at Numbers 1:1-16.

Numbers Part 1

God Who? – The Trinity

This week Pastor Ken combines and summarizes the messages from his series of the last three weeks on “God Who?”.  In a message entitled “The Trinity”, he puts together a set of Top 5 lists for the Father, Son and Spirit.  The Scripture for today’s message is taken from Genesis 1:1-4, 23-28, John 1:1-5, 9-12, 14-18 and John 14:11-17, 23-27

The Trinity

God Who? – God the Holy Spirit

Pastor Ken concludes his series exploring the Trinity.  Today he looks at God the Holy Spirit; with a little help from Acts chapter 2 and Romans chapter 8.  As he has done throughout this series, he compiles his conclusions into a Top 10 list.

The Holy Spirit

Top 10: Holy Spirit

  1. Comes at Jesus’ request to His Father
  2. Be ‘with’ and ‘in’ us but not world
  3. Will ‘advocate’ and teach truth, Jesus’ words
  4. Empowers Jesus’ work
  5. Fills people – enables the supernatural
  6. Fulfills scripture
  7. Furthers God’s Grace –in word
  8. Assures status
  9. Enables/ helps us to pray
  10. Works for our good

God Who? – God the Father

Pastor Ken continues to delve into his series, exploring the Trinity. Appropriate for Father’s Day, today we continue our conversation looking at three passage (Exodus 3, Exodus 34 and Deuteronomy 5) which focus on God… the Father.

God the Father

Top 10: Father God

  1. Attentive  & active in human affairs
  2. Engaging, empowering in ‘joint work’
  3. Vivacious & Vibrant
  4. Good & gracious
  5. Jealous / Zealous for identity, name, time, essence, worship
  6. Bountiful in love
  7. Kind – supplies lack
  8. Merciful,gracious, patient, loving
  9. Just
  10. WOW! What a ‘Father’ (we exist in His love, live at his Grace)

God Who? – The Son of God

God! Son, Father, Spirit? Say What? In June Pastor Ken delves into a requested topic, exploring the Trinity. As many people begin their understanding of God with the familiar, today we begin our conversation looking at three passage (2 Samuel 7, John 1, Colossians) which focus on God… the Son

Son of God

Top 10: SON of God

  1. Son of David (man) / son of God (incarnate)
  2. Incarnate King
  3. Take Punishment
  4. Pre-existed as God / truth-light
  5. Became ‘human’ in time, incognito
  6. Empowered God’s adoption for all
  7. Creation’s Lord / Sustenance / Reconciler
  8. New creation
  9. Head of Church
  10. Supreme & peaceful Master

Taking Steps toward God

Seeking to understand and apply the power given to us through our ages and stages, expressed in the decision-making paradigms we use, we pause to humbly acknowledge steps we are inescapably, and joyfully taking towards the God of the Universe. Paul’s letter to Titus encourages us in this great adventure.

Here is a copy of the pie chart and table that Pastor Ken used today.  Click this link to print a copy.

{Podcast for this week is Unavailable}

Titans  Week 3 FHBcatc Gods Invitation Table

Response to God’s Invitation

In Response to God's Invitation

In Response to God’s Invitation – IFC Report

The Making of Good Decisions

For our second of four inspirations as Titans of our Times, we wrestle the mind-bending concept of how we decide. Using the book of Titus we contemplate the power of the body, mind, will, community and our soul.

Here is a copy of the pie chart and table that Pastor Ken had us reference today.  Click this link to print a copy.

Titans Week 2 FHBcatc Decision Table

Decision Paradigm

Titans Week 2 FHBcatc Vocation Sector Chart

Our Church by Sector of Employ – Pie Chart

Ages & Stages

Titans of our Times are upon us! Indeed they are us. As we seek clarity with the letter to Titus as our inspiration, we reflect on three levels of common experience: Our Life Stages, How we Decide, and Steps to God. First we consider our life stage to understand the power we wield influencing the people in our community.

Titans Week 1 FHBcatc Ages & Stages Chart

Our Church by Life Stage

Titans Week 1 FHBcatc Ages & Stages Table

YOU – A Titan of Our Times