Celebration Conversation – July 10

Welcome to another Whirlwind of Wisdom! Summer 2022 we boldly storm our way into deeper faith contemplating 9 burst of brilliant truth from authors Peter, Paul, Matthew, Priscilla, John, Jude & .. others. Today we read mail from scholar Paul as he inspires a brother to make the right choice. Follow along in the book that bears the brothers name – Philemon. Enjoy the strength, power & solace in God’s storm of love as we consider the roles of Benefactor, Savior & Beloved in triplicate.

Live Streaming of the service will begin at 10:30 a.m.  Click on the YouTube link below to watch the service live or watch the recorded video.

(Worship music performed under CCLI License #108578, CCLI Streaming License #20429916)

Celebration Conversation – July 3

Welcome to Whirlwinds of Wisdom! Summer 2022 we boldly storm our way into deeper faith contemplating 9 burst of brilliant truth from authors Peter, Paul, Matthew, Priscilla, John, Jude & .. others. Today we join the crowd as fisherman Peter inspires  shortly after 9am in Jerusalem. Follow along in Acts 2. Enjoy the strength, power & solace in God’s storm of love.

Live Streaming of the service will begin at 10:30 a.m.  Click on the YouTube link below to watch the service live or watch the recorded video.

(Worship music performed under CCLI License #108578, CCLI Streaming License #20429916)

Celebration Conversation – June 26

Summer 2022 has arrived! To kick off this season we complete our third conversation in the series, ‘Jesus Christ, your greatest Companion’s Command & Commission’, in contemplation of John’s application of the great command (1 John 3, 4:7-12). John’s incredible letter helps us delineate loves contour in our lives with our greatest companion. Watch, listen, then take 3 steps in loving obedience.

(Worship music performed under CCLI License #108578, CCLI Streaming License #20429916)

Celebration Conversation – June 19

In this second conversation in the series, ‘Jesus Christ, your greatest Companion’s Command & Commission’, we contemplate Jesus’ brilliant discourse of the greatest command (Matthew 5:17-20, Matthew 22:37-Mark 12:29, Luke 10:25 & John 13: 34). We dig deeper into ‘Loving one another’, seeking to understand as Jesus’ first hearers did. Watch, listen, then take 3 steps in loving obedience to your greatest companion.

Live Streaming of the service will begin at 10:30 a.m.  Click on the YouTube link below to watch the service live or watch the recorded video.

(Worship music performed under CCLI License #108578, CCLI Streaming License #20429916)

Celebration Conversation – June 12

June 2022, we pursue the 2nd step of our annual theme ‘Jesus Christ, your greatest Companion’s Command & Commission’. In this first discussion we consider Jesus’ brilliant discourse (John 15: 1-17) contemplating our companion – pal – friend – loved one’s command.  Although seemingly incongruent God’s incredible love is expressed as command. Watch & listen, then take 3 steps in loving obedience to your greatest companion.

Live Streaming of the service will begin at 10:30 a.m.  Click on the YouTube link below to watch the service live or watch the recorded video.

(Worship music performed under CCLI License #108578, CCLI Streaming License #20429916)

Celebration Conversation – June 5

The final installment in “A Spiritual excursus into Mental Health” encourages us to “Drink Up, Oh Dear”. With great care we conclude our reflections in psychology, theology and … everyday life as we seek solace & sustenance for our psyche. We go to the source & the start ( Genesis 1-3, Roman 8, 1 John 4) asking: ‘Who are we, in light of He? What is life all about? How now shall we live? Where & how can we find strength, peace & love to go on? So take a breath, pause to listen, and seek God’s guidance.

Live Streaming of the service will begin at 10:30 a.m.  Click on the YouTube link below to watch the service live or watch the recorded video.

(Worship music performed under CCLI License #108578, CCLI Streaming License #20429916)

Celebration Conversation – May 29

The second foray into “A Spiritual excursus into Mental Health”, asks a highly offensive question: “Hey, what’s the problem, blowfish?” With great care we enumerate 3 blowfish in the strange space between our psychology, theology and … everyday life. We ask: ‘What are my blind spots? What does my poison do? How can God make good from evil? We consider brilliant reflection in Psalm 42 & Romans 3, James 4 / 1 Peter 5.  So take a breath, pause to listen, and seek God’s guidance.

Live Streaming of the service will begin at 10:30 a.m.  Click on the YouTube link below to watch the service live or watch the recorded video.

(Worship music performed under CCLI License #108578, CCLI Streaming License #20429916)

Celebration Conversation – May 22

Welcome to a new livestreamed series “A Spiritual excursus into Mental Health”.  With great care – in these reflections, we enumerate 4 elephants in the strange space between our psychology, theology and … everyday life.  We ask: ‘What is mental health? Does God care? What’s the state of your psyche? & What’s the next step?… considering the brilliant reflections of King David (Psalm 139) & Prophet Jeremiah (Lamentation 3: 1-36).  Take a breath, pause to listen, and seek God’s guidance.

Live Streaming of the service will begin at 10:30 a.m.  Click on the YouTube link below to watch the service live or watch the recorded video.

(Worship music performed under CCLI License #108578, CCLI Streaming License #20429916)

Spring of Renewal – May 15

Today we conclude 2022 Spring of Renewal Truth Talks. Alyssa Esparaz – Content and Public Relations Manager at Compassion Canada, delves into God’s design, plan & invitation  (Acts 17). You can find her on Twitter & Instagram: @_godsgal4ever. The Spring of Renewal inspirations intersect theology with ecology, transform your view of earth care and give fuel for faith. Enjoy them all.

Join us at The Reach (1666 Kingston Rd.) – 9 a.m.,  the Birchmount Community Centre (93 Birchmount Rd.) – 10:30 a.m. , or enjoy this video.

(Worship music performed under CCLI License #108578, CCLI Streaming License #20429916)

Live Stream of the May 15 Service >> Click Here (We are testing this capability.)

Spring of Renewal – May 8

In this 3rd Spring of Renewal Truth Talk, we consider deeper theology for our ecology with Jasmine Kwong – Creation Care Advocate OMF international. Delving into the depth and hope of Romans 8, we consider the future planned for us – and all that exists. These inspirations and conversations will transform your view of earth day & earth care, giving you fuel for faith.

Join us at The Reach (1666 Kingston Rd.) – 9 a.m.,  the Birchmount Community Centre (93 Birchmount Rd.) – 10:30 a.m. , or enjoy this video.

(Worship music performed under CCLI License #108578, CCLI Streaming License #20429916)

Live Stream of the May 8 Service >> Click Here (We are testing this capability.)