‘Good’ Friday Devotion- April 15

What a horrible, no good, tragic, dismal & seemingly hopeless day! We wrestle with the awfully somber events of ‘Good’ Friday, seeking to find the brilliant hope we know is coming. All through the events of the last chapters of Matthew, Mark,  Luke and particularly John, we face audacious acts of … humans like us, who turned against salvation and killed Jesus. Consider John 18 & 19 with the knowledge that Easter Sunrise is coming.

Walk the  Stations of the Cross April 15,16 at The Reach, 1666 Kingston Rd, 3-10pm.

Celebrate the Resurrection at Rosetta McClain, 6:20 am, April 17.

(Worship music performed under CCLI License #108578, CCLI Streaming License #20429916)

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