Jesus Was Not Plan B !


Thrive Series – Week 3
God’s plan of salvation is greater than we can even imagine! Jesus was always part of the plan, not God’s “backup plan” when we fell into sin.

– Discussion Questions:

  • How is my perspective on life changed knowing Jesus was not plan B?
  • How is God shaping me for eternity?
  • How can I communicate to others the opportunity to be part of God’s redeemed world?

Scripture: Gen 3:8-24; 1 Peter 1:18-21; Rev 13:8

(Recorded September 15, 2024)

The Good News of God’s Rule


Thrive Series – Week 2
God’s story of salvation has four Acts: creation, fall, redemption and consummation.

God’s rule is God’s love lived out! – Discussion Questions:

  • Where do I see evidence of The Fall?
  • Where do I see God’s redemptive work?
  • What would or could redemption look like in my life; in my neighbourhood?

Scripture: Mark 1:9-18

(Recorded September 8, 2024)

The Big Story


This week, Pastor Dave begins a 3 week series based on God’s Call and Challenge to Every Person.  This series, called “Thrive” was designed by CBOQ to help our church engage deeply with God’s unique calling; to help us understand the values of our church.

God’s loving pursuit of fallen people – This Week’s Discussion Questions:

  • Where do I see evidence of sin and brokenness in the world?
  • Where do I see God’s redemptive power at work in the world?
  • What is God’s call and challenge to all people?

NOTE: See the YouTube video by the same name:


Scripture: Romans 1:17-25

(Recorded September 1, 2024)

Repentance: Paul, A Religious Man


Even good, religious people need to adjust their trajectory to head straight for God.

Scripture: Acts 9:1-22

(Recorded August 18, 2024 - NOTE: There is an audio drop-out at just over 5 minutes into the recording.)

Repentance: An Introduction


Repentance is a forbidden topic among most people these days, but it’s actually key to an ongoing walk with Jesus.

Scripture: Acts 3:1-20, 26

(Recorded August 11, 2024)

Love: The Holy Spirit and Love


We tend to think of the role of the Spirit in the world in terms of spectacular, charismatic gifts. But the main role of the Spirit is to produce agape love in believers!

Scripture: John 13:34-35; 14:15-17

(Recorded July 7, 2024)

Love: My Neighbour


We take for granted the story of the Good Samaritan, but it’s an amazing example of agape love. Who is my “untouchable” neighbour that I must love?

Scripture: Luke 10: 25-37

(Recorded June 30, 2024)

Love: Christian Maturity


How do we measure success and growth as a Christian? What should discipleship produce? Christian maturity isn’t about serving, knowing the Bible or even spectacular gifts! It’s about agape love.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

(Recorded June 23, 2024)

Love: The Greatest Commandment


Living the Christian life is difficult. We can easily make up rules about what Christians do or don’t do. But it all boils down to agape love and everything else flows out of it.

Scripture: Mark 12:28-34

(Recorded June 16, 2024)

Love: Agape Theology


We talk a lot about the characteristics and character of God. Agape love is the key to understanding God’s nature!

Scripture: John 3:16-24

(Recorded June 9, 2024)