Evangelism: The Damascus Road (video edition)


Do you have a dramatic conversion story? We often call these “Damascus Road” experiences. But if you look closely, Saul wasn’t a “down and out” sinner who hit rock bottom, which is the core of many “Damascus Road” stories. Rather, Saul was a righteous, moral, Bible thumping religious man! But it took a dramatic intervention by the Spirit for him to realize the depth of his own sin and need for a saviour.

Scripture: Acts 9:1-22

(Recorded for February 16, 2025)

Evangelism: The Damascus Road


Do you have a dramatic conversion story? We often call these “Damascus Road” experiences. But if you look closely, Saul wasn’t a “down and out” sinner who hit rock bottom, which is the core of many “Damascus Road” stories. Rather, Saul was a righteous, moral, Bible thumping religious man! But it took a dramatic intervention by the Spirit for him to realize the depth of his own sin and need for a saviour.

Scripture: Acts 9:1-22

(Recorded for February 16, 2025)

Evangelism: The Road to Gaza


We’ve been talking about cooperating with the Holy Spirit to help people take steps towards faith in Christ. Today, we will look at a passage about someone many people would have thought “too far from Jesus” top share the gospel with. However, behind the scenes, the Spirit had been using a number of unnamed people and events to bring the Ethiopian Eunuch a long way, clearing rubble, planting seeds and watering them until Philip came to him to reap the Spirit’s harvest.

Scripture: Acts 8:26-40

(Recorded February 9, 2025)

Evangelism: The Road to Emmaus


This week we are looking at the first of 3 stories Luke tells of people coming to faith in a road- the two on the road to Emmaus. These two were disciples of Jesus. They knew Jesus, knew his teaching and power, and even believed he was the Messiah! But they still needed the Spirit to open their eyes and bring them to faith in Christ. Perhaps you know someone who knows all the stories and believes good things about Jesus, but they have not yet come to faith?

Scripture: Luke 24:13-36

(Recorded February 2, 2025)

What is Evangelism?


We’ve talked about our role as Christ’s ambassadors to the world. This means sharing the good news of God’s rule – God’s love lived out- to those who have not yet surrendered to him. This is called “evangelism”. Yet many people shy away from this word. Many Christians say, “I don’t do evangelism” or “I can’t do evangelism”. This is a shame and reflects that we have turned evangelism into something is ought not to be.

So, we are going to dive into what evangelism actually is: cooperating with the Holy Spirit to help people take steps towards faith in Christ. For some of you this will be a familiar review, but for others it will be new. Let me encourage you to read it either way. I’ve had people reach out to me and comment on how a sermon touched their hearts in new ways even though it was one they had read before.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:5-9

(Recorded January 26, 2025)

Our Values: What Shall We Do?


God has brought us together as a unique congregation with particular values, gifts and talents. He has placed us in a unique position to reach particular people with his light. Given who we are and who our neighbours are, what shall we do? We are going to brainstorm some mission activities for to set as goals for the next few years.

[Please Note: The audience responses have been edited or removed as they were not audible on the recording.]

Scripture: Ephesians 2:8-10

(Recorded January 19, 2025)

Our Values: Who Is Our Neighbour?


Who is our neighbour? The Parable of the Good Samaritan shows us we are to love anyone who comes across our path, including people who don’t like us. It eliminates the temptation to say “no” to being neighbourly to someone. But who, specifically, has God called us to minister to? Not at the expense of others, but for the sake of knowing how to prioritize our efforts? We must pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into his field, including us.

[Please Note: The audience responses have been edited or removed as they were not audible on the recording.]

Scripture: Matthew 9:35 – 10:1

(Recorded January 12, 2025)

Our Values: Who Are We?


Happy New Year! As we begin 2025, we are doing something a little different. We will be asking ourselves 3 questions, Who are we? Who is our neighbour? What, then, shall we do? Building on our work in the fall through the THRIVE curriculum from the CBOQ, we are spending time in discussion together to articulate our values. Who, specifically, has God made us to be? What is special about our church? Why has God put us where we are? What is our role in his Kingdom? What is our calling and how to we pursue God’s mission for us over the next few years? These are the questions we will explore together over the next three weeks. This week we are asking “Who are we?” I have prepared a shorter devotional that will lead into a time of open discussion and brainstorming as a congregation.

[Please Note: The audience responses have been edited or removed as they were not audible on the recording.]

Scripture: 2 Peter 1:3-4, Ephesian 2:4-10

(Recorded January 5, 2025)