The Bible – Discipleship Manual

D.E.E.P. Faith & Healthy Pursuits. Pastor Ken straddles his 3 week series focusing on our annual theme for 2021. Our 2nd syllogism in this series: The Bible – discipleship manual is filled with comprehensive life lessons,

Jesus is the focus of the Bible –  discipleship manual. Therefore ‘Jesus’ IS the comprehensive life lesson – the focus of discipleship. Lean in  close to hear His words, live by his example; you will  grow, grow, grow.

Learner – Disciple

D.E.E.P. Faith & Healthy Pursuits. Pastor Ken begins a 3 week series focusing on our annual theme for 2021. Our 1st syllogism in this series: Mastery in life comes thru being learner – disciple. Jesus is a proven Master with proven authority over life. Therefore mastery, skill, fulfillment & authority comes by learning from Jesus. Lean in to hear His words; you will  grow, grow, grow.

75 years!

75 years! Fallingbrook Heights Baptist church at the centre celebrates 3/4 of a century of God’s providence & protection walking from Home to Work to Hope across the bridge of salvation.  Celebrate & commune together as Pastor Ken recounts The Norwegian tale, Three Billy Goats Gruff – a rich analogy for our lifelong journeys together.

Hold on to Him!

Our final conversation of the ‘Get A Grip’ inspiration series contemplates this truth: ‘ Your rescue has come… Hold on to Him!’ One of the greatest Psalm – songs (excerpt of 119) of the Old Testament, & the letter to the Philippians (chapter 3), and Hebrews ( chapter 2) help us grab & grasp the divine rope. Indeed the truth is more profound: hop in, hang on, hold happily.


Grip God’s Grace in 2021

Our 3rd ‘Get A Grip’ inspiration contemplates this truth: ‘Evil is real… watch you don’t step in, or get stuck in it’. Genesis 3 gives us the start, source, origin of our tragic story; our death dance with evil. Jesus’ prayers provide the antidote, solution, response – the vaccination to protect against evil, and it’s author. Acknowledge the Biblical demand for us to wrestle with our brilliant way out – the very reason to ‘Get a Grip” and we will conquer together.

Let Your Faith Take Hold

Let your faith take hold, in 2021. Our 3rd conversation of the ‘Get A Grip’ inspiration series, contemplates this truth: ‘God loves … you and all creatures great & small’. Brilliant 21st century (BC) landowner, father & prophet Job, (chapter 39), & the Book of Acts (chapter 17) helps us hear and adhere, to the divine call to ‘Get a Grip”.

Grab Hold of 2021

Grab a hold of 2021. We continue the ‘Get A Grip’ inspiration series in contemplation of this truth: “You are not God: Thank GOD!”. Hebrew prophet Isaiah (chapter 44) & Paul’s letter to the Romans (chapter 3) gives us rich fodder as we focus on the hand, with which we grip our rescue.

Get a Grip

Let’s take a hold of 2021. In this message we start our series ‘Get A Grip’, easing into the 1st month of the year. As we contemplate Zechariah 8 & 1 Peter 5, we seek to grasp God’s comfort, guidance & prompting for the full exercise of our faith. celebration of Communion will follow our inspiration.


Transition! We are all in the midst of change in one way or another – pandemic, life stage, relationships, spirituality. On this day of transition between the brilliant celebration of Christ’s birth, 2020, to new life, new hope & a new year, we contemplate the reality of transition in our world. Consider the brilliant wisdom of Psalm 118 & John 1, as we face our next hurtle… 2021!

The Villains of Christmas

Merry (Scary) Christmas. On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we contemplate the sinister ‘enemies of Christmas’. Through their negative example we discover the intensity of the world in which Jesus was born. Listen in, and consider the view from the nervous streets alongside the Herodian Palace in Jerusalem.