Abiding Shepherds

Merry Christmas. On this third Sunday of Advent, we join the shepherds, ‘in the fields abiding’. Through their simple but obedient contribution we find humanity in the heart of Christmas. Listen in to consider the view from the Judean pastures outside of Bethlehem.

Advent 2020 – Angelic Perspective

Merry Christmas. On this second Sunday of Advent, we consider the angelic perspective. Through their spectacular contribution we learn profound messages about the heart of Christmas. Listen in and join the heavenly chorus as we view Christmas from an otherworldly vantage point.

Advent 2020 – Mary’s Reflections

This is the first Sunday of Advent for Christmas 2020.  As we look at the Christmas story, this week Pastor Ken delves into Mary’s reaction to encountering the Wise Men – Kings or Magi if you will.  Listen as Ken speaks of how Mary describes her encounter; an event that occurred 2 years after Jesus’ birth.

Warnings and Encouragement

This is not the end … it’s just the beginning! This postscript message to our “Courage Campaign!” reflects on the Bible’s  ‘Warnings & Encouragement’ section, Luke 12. Tune into courage as we hear brilliant teaching from Jesus to continue in courage for all times.


The Peak of Encouragement

The selfless pinnacle of courage: the peak of encouragement! As we conclude our final stop on the Courage Campaign, we learn of the potent beauty of encouragement. Apostle John’s 3rd letter provides rich teaching in this vital element of life – often overlooked but nonetheless rich in practice & receipt.  Learn how you can survive & thrive in these days with growing love, hope & faith.

Give Your Courage

Seek-find-have-take-live-build & give your Courage. John’s 2nd letter moves us in transcendence, seeking to transfer our courage through the potency of love. Between living our courage, and encouraging another we learn how to mentor, pursuing a task, challenge or opportunity they too will take up. Check out how you can give away courage, sacrificially celebrating another’s victory.

Build Your Courage

Seek-find-have-take-live… build your Courage. Through this “Courage!” Campaign the apostle John has taught us so much about courage. Through the example of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona Spain we contemplate the transcendent potency of the church and our eternal place in it. Check out how you can build courage and live victoriously.

Living Out of Courage

We continue in our ‘COURAGE!’ Campaign to pursue the ‘living’ out of courage. We seek & find, have  & take courage. Listen then, so you can do and be courageous. Through John’s powerful teaching in 1 John 4, we learn to grasp for hope, reach for faith & live in love.

A Thanksgiving Break

Relax! Take a rest! Stop to enjoy life! We pause in our ‘COURAGE!’ Campaign to enj0y a sabbath, a pause. Listen comfortably as we consider the 7 ‘P’s of your weekly rest. We reflect on the thread of sabbath through Genesis 1, Exodus 20 and Luke 20. Jesus is the LORD of the Sabbath; you deserve a break to be thankful. Listen, laugh, love.

Take Courage!

Take Courage! Three times in Jesus’ ministry  – to the woman healed from chronic illness, panicked storm-tossed disciples, & Paul in custody, Jesus said ‘take courage’. You too can ‘take’ the courage you have. Whether you seek courage in personal relationships, work, faith or monumental societal changes, you have capacity to pick it up and use it. Learn from Gaderi Deɡaɡwita, and Apostle John (Ch 3) in week four of eight “COURAGE!” Campaign messages.