‘RE’ Campaign – Re:ignite

RE:ignite, RE:engage, RE:create!

Has your heart & soul’s fire gone out due to pandemic, daily stress, estranged relationships… life?

Re:ignite the warming fire of self & soul identity, love, care & worth through an in-depth consideration of ancient ignition truths.

Ready, Set … Reset!

Ready, set … and reset. We conclude our 3 week series with the ‘bravest reset’, of …you, on this Thanksgiving Sunday. With the potent imagery of our body parts working together, Pastor Ken draws powerful truth for life from the first book, or letter to the Corinthians (Chapter 12) by ancient missionary writer Paul. Gather your inner bravado, hit the button and … let’s reset.

Ready to Reset?

10, 9, 8… ready to reset – ‘to adjust, or fix in a new or different way’? Pastor Ken delves into the ‘latest reset’ the human race faces – initiated by pandemic, in the context of foundational resets embedded in us all. We reference the book or letter to the Ephesians (Chapter 4) – by ancient missionary writer Paul, to firmly grip truth for life through reset. All it takes is a slight movement of your will… to initiate great change in you. Virtual communion celebrating the Greatest Reset ever, will follow this conversation.

Ready to Push the Reset Button?

3, 2, 1, ready to reset – ‘to set again: adjust, or fix in a new or different way’? As you consider your most recent – or next reset, take a listen as Pastor Ken outlines the greatest reset ever. We delve into the accounts of writers Matthew, Mark  & Luke (the first books of the Bible’s New Testament), to firmly grip truth for life.

D.E.E.P. Faith & Healthy Pursuits – Evangelism part 3

Go ahead, immerse yourself in D.E.E.P. Faith & Healthy Pursuits. Pastor Ken’s last conversation in this series, considers Evangelism: we ‘invite’ others. Our 3rd set of 5 P’s: Persist in your Faith, Profess Good News, let Spirit Persuade, Promote evangelistic lifestyle, Pursue relationship with others that you enjoy.


D.E.E.P. Faith & Healthy Pursuits – Evangelism part 2

Take another dive into D.E.E.P. Faith & Healthy Pursuits. Pastor Ken’s 2nd of 3, in this 3rd series on our annual theme for 2021, considers Evangelism: we ‘invite’ others, as we pursue deep faith & healthy pursuits. Our 2nd set of 5 P’s: Proclaim: freedom, sight, life in Jesus Christ, Paraphrase good news: in word & deed, be Provoked: by world’s confusion & distraction, Ponder anew: Jesus eternal love, Pursue: the indwelling joy of life.

D.E.E.P. Faith & Healthy Pursuits – Evangelism

Jump into D.E.E.P. Faith & Healthy Pursuits. Pastor Ken begins a 3rd, 3 week series on our annual theme for 2021. This time we consider Evangelism: we ‘invite’ others, as we pursue deep faith & healthy pursuits. Our 1st 5 P’s: Pray, knowing God hears, forgives, acts in favour towards you. Know Promise: Justice – through Jesus righteousness gives eternal life. Praise Him – His great news of peace, goodness, salvation is being fulfilled. Proclaim life eternal – good news for all. Pursue life’s greatest joys, which thrive in gospel ethos.

What is happening with YOUR faith?

So what is happening with your faith? Whom, or what do you really trust? What are the contours of your belief and worldview? This is the final message of the summer 2021 series ‘The Facts of Faith’.  Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and His Passover – Gethsemane discourse & prayer (John 13-17)  guide us to  deeper faith and healthy pursuits. We go deeper into Jesus’ words of great encouragement by way of King Solomon’s wisdom: pursue devout faith, practice God’s Omniscience, and ponder living a life worthy of his return! He is coming.

Will your faith be eternally commended?

Do you have confidence in that, which all humanity hopes? Are you assured about what we do not see? Will your faith, trust & belief be eternally commended? Seek and find ‘eternity’ today in our summer 2021 series ‘The Facts of Faith’.  Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and His Passover – Gethsemane discourse & prayer (John 13-17)  guide us to … the eternal life awaiting you. We go deeper into Jesus’ words of great encouragement by way of the survival rule of 3. Receive eternal life! Respond constantly & joyfully to Jesus and His will! Relax in peace – faithfully, confidently pursuing relationship w God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Do you understand the FAITH formula?

Do you understand the FAITH formula; TRUST transaction? Does what you BELIEVE in .. pay off – benefit you eternally? Seek the heart of ‘charity’ in summer 2021 series ‘The Facts of Faith’.  From Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), His discourse & prayer through Passover – Gethsemane (John 13-17) we seek to understand how we truly extend ‘charity’ ( Gk: ‘love’), giving & receiving.  We go deeper than ‘money’ into the Great Exchange offered through Jesus.